
Getting There - Aneel's Travelogue

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Icebergs Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, Sunday, 06 March 2005 1:19pm

I'm looking at icebergs as I type this. I'm at the Hotel Lago Grey, in Torres Del Paine National Park. I'm waiting for the boat across the lake.

I've decided to take the boat to near the Glaciar and attempt the 3.5hr uphill hike to the lodge where I'm meeting Jenny and Don and spending the night, instead of the 5hr level hike in from this side of the lake. It may be tricky, because it's been raining and is pretty dim out, and I won't arrive at the other side of the lake until 4pm... which means that the light will be failing by the time I get to the lodge. I asked the rangers if I shouldn't take this route, but they said it was ok.

It's pretty important that I get to that lodge and meet Jenny and Don, because I've discovered a snag in our plans: we were supposed to meet at another lodge tomorrow night if we didn't make this meeting, and then leave the park the morning after and fly to Puerto Montt. But it seems that no busses leave the park in the mornings, only in the afternoons. So we need to skip the next lodge and hike out tomorrow if we're to make our flight.


Geography Dan (Anonymously) Monday, 07 March 2005 5:39pm

I didn't realize how far south many of our city names had come from. (I noticed on your map that El Cerrito and Santa Cruz are close to eachother.) I should make a better effort to not be as ignorant as I am.