
Getting There - Aneel's Travelogue

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Why do I get to SFO on time? San Francisco, CA, Friday, 27 June 2008 10:31pm

Whee. I'm at SFO way too early. Even after security, I'm here 3 hours before my flight.

Had a nice sendoff. Jenny, Gina, Frederick, and Mona met me at Bollyhood Cafe for drinks and Indian food. I think the Indian food could have used a little more defrosting before it was fried, but the beer was good. I got to see Samaki's band Fuzzpod play. Cool chill electronica with soaring vocals.

Dave gave me a ride to SFO. I left my phone with him so I can't even chat on the tiny keyboard. I feel disconnected already.

I'm looking forward to this trip. I need a change. To be someplace else for a while. Not that I don't love San Francisco, but there's a point at which I have to get away, and I feel like I've passed it. I'm really enjoying the idea of having a week where I have nothing on my schedule.